After all the speculation created all around of the continuation of Katherine Heigl in the cast of “Grey's Anatomy”, the actress broke the silence and confirmed that will really abandon the north-american serie. During an enterview to the magazine “Entertainment Weekly”, Katherine Heigl apologize to her fans and confess that, after all, is sad about her decision. “I'm going out, I've finished the contract. Me and all the stuff have made a friendly decision for my way out don't chocked with the plot”, told the beauty to the magazine.
The actress, that adopted a corean kid last September, afirmed that wants to dedicate to the family one hundred per cent. I'm building a family and that changes all. I know that I am disappointing my fans, but I had to make a choice. After a three months maternity license to take care of her daughter, Katherine Heigl resumed the recordings of Grey's Anatomy at the begining of March, but should finish her participation at the end of the sixth season of the serie.
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